I bought GWEN at a store, added it's key to my account and added the bonus(pre relase) key too,
Today the sneak peek weeked has ended.
And i CAN go to every town in eye of the north
and I'm not a hacker...i think here is a bug....i was curious and checked a passage to a locked section, but it was closed, so i think i stucked into the sneak peek weekend...and a lot of hungarian guys too..anet, help us
IGN: Slayer Dellight
the same adzact think happned to me just i cant get back to normal towns! Anet PLZ FIX THIS!!!!!!
IGN: alice goddes of war
ps ill constatly be tryin to get out ill update post if get out
Nice!.......My orders comes on monday np ill just buy online and when the delivery arrives on monday ill just ask for a cash credit with EB 7day return policy.
FutureShop, and BestBuy stores across British Columbia, Canada all have the GW:EN Retail Package today (Thursday) and they also give you a free T-shirt and the pre-sale package for free.